Learn how lớn turn off Raise to lớn Wake, an i
Phone feature that is on by default that activates your phone when you pick it up.

Bạn đang xem: Ios 10: how to use raise to wake

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Are you wondering, “Why does my i
Phone screen turn on when I pick it up?” Meet Raise khổng lồ Wake on i
Phone! This feature was introduced during the i
OS 10 update và has been the mặc định on i
Phones ever since. I will tell you more about this feature & explain how lớn disable Raise to lớn Wake và why you might want it off.

What Is Raise khổng lồ Wake on i

Raise khổng lồ Wake is a feature that was originally used on the táo bị cắn dở Watch, which made a lot of sense — you lift your wrist because you"re probably trying to kiểm tra the time. Since the release i
OS 10 several years ago, the same Raise to lớn Wake feature has been available on i
Phones. It simply illuminates the screen so you can see your notifications without tapping the screen or pushing any buttons. 

Personally, I"ve loved the raise to wake feature on i
Phone so far. It makes it easy to lớn see my notifications & change the tuy vậy I"m listening to. However, if you pick up your phone a lot, it might cut into your battery life. If you prefer to lớn disable Raise lớn Wake, you can do so in a few simple steps.

How lớn Turn Off Raise khổng lồ Wake on i

Here is how lớn turn this Raise to Wake function off và on. To learn more i
Phone tricks, sign up for our không tính tiền Tip of the Day newsletter.

Open Settings.

 Tap Display và Brightness.
 Toggle Raise khổng lồ Wake off (gray) or on (green). 

Now you know how khổng lồ i
Phone Raise to Wake works và how you can turn it off và back on as needed. Although this is a helpful feature, it can drain battery life & be distracting. Since it"s so easy to lớn toggle Raise khổng lồ Wake on & off, you can try both and see what works best for you. 

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Conner Carey"s writing can be found at She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via 
conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country. 



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Every time you pick up your i
Phone, the screen automatically turns on. You"re not sure why it happens, but you"re ready to lớn learn. In this article, I"ll explain what Raise to Wake is, what it does, and how you can turn it on or off on your i

What Is Raise lớn Wake?

Raise lớn Wake is an i
Phone feature that automatically “wakes up” your i
Phone when you pick it up. When you raise your i
Phone, the screen turns on, and the lock screen becomes visible. This allows you lớn easily see notifications, open Control Center, take photos or videos, turn on the flashlight, or view your widgets.

How vị I Turn Raise lớn Wake On Or Off?

Open Settings.Tap Display & Brightness.Tap the switch next to lớn Raise to lớn Wake.

You"ll know Raise lớn Wake is on when the switch is green. If the switch is white, this feature is off!


Which i
Phones Can Use Raise lớn Wake?

Compatibility with Raise lớn Wake depends on the model of your i
Phone và the i
OS version its running. Any i
Phone 6s or newer running i
OS 10 or newer is compatible with Raise khổng lồ Wake.

Newer i
Phones have many more great features just like this. If you have an older i
Phone, now may be a great time to upgrade! If you"re interested in upgrading your i
Phone, check out our tool that helps you compare cell phones.

Phone Raise to lớn Wake: Explained!

I hope this article helped you get a better understanding of what Raise to Wake is on your i
Phone. Make sure to mô tả this article on social truyền thông to teach your friends & family more about Raise khổng lồ Wake. If you have any other questions about i
Phone Raise lớn Wake or upgrading your i
Phone, leave them in the comments section below!

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