TOEIC Speaking Test一部出題形式改訂、およびTOEIC Speaking & Writing Tests公式認定証、スコアレポート改訂のお知らせ




The TOEIC S&W measure English-speaking & writing abilities for communicating effectively in English in international workplace environments.The following abilities are specifically tested in the TOEIC S&W.

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The chạy thử taker can generate language intelligible khổng lồ native & proficient nonnative English speakers.The thử nghiệm taker can select appropriate language khổng lồ carry out routine social và occupational interactions (such as giving & receiving directions, asking for và giving information, asking for và giving clarification, making purchases, & greetings & introductions).The chạy thử taker can create connected, sustained discourse appropriate khổng lồ typical daily life và the workplace
The chạy thử taker can produce well-formed sentences, including both simple & complex sentences.The kiểm tra taker can produce multisentence-length text khổng lồ convey straightforward information, questions, instructions, narratives, etc.The chạy thử taker can produce multiparagraph-length text to lớn express complex ideas, using reasons, evidence, & extended explanations as appropriate.

Like the TOEIC L&R, the TOEIC S&W use scenarios from everyday life or business. However, there are no questions that require specialist knowledge or business English. All questions can be answered without knowing the history or culture of specific countries.

Read a text aloud245 secs. Per item(Prep time: 45 secs.)Test-taker reads aloud a short text, such as an announcement or advertisement.
Describe a picture230 secs. Per item(Prep time: 45 secs.)Test-taker gives a verbal mô tả tìm kiếm of a photograph.All of the above, plus
Respond lớn questions315 or 30 secs.(Prep time: none※3 secs. After each question và before the beep)Test-taker responds to lớn questions on a commonplace topic, as if responding in an interview.All of the above, plus
Respond to lớn questions using information provided315 or 30 secs.(Prep time: 45 secs.※3 secs. After each question and before the beep)Test-taker responds to questions based on written information (such as a schedule of events) that appears on the screen.All of the above0~3
Express an opinion160 secs. (Prep time: 45 secs.)Test-taker expresses an opinion about a specific topic & the reasons for that opinion.All of the above0~5

Write a sentence based on a picture58 min. For 5 itemsTest-taker writes one sentence based on a picture, using the two words or phrases provided.
Respond lớn a written request210 min. For each itemTest-taker reads an thư điện tử message which is about 25 lớn 50 words long, và writes an thư điện tử in response.
Write an opinion essay130 min.Test-taker writes an essay expressing an opinion on the topic providing, giving reasons or examples to support the opinion.

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All directions for the questions, whether on-screen or spoken, are given in English Follow these instructions when answering the questions.Question format, text, names, etc. May change.

You can see sample questions with voices, examples of answers, & explanations. These samples are similar khổng lồ actual kiểm tra screens.



Do you teach TOEIC speaking? Then keep on reading for some TOEIC speaking demo samples that you can use with your students. Or, if you’re an English learner looking lớn improve your score, then you’re also in the right place. We have all the tips & tricks you need for TOEIC speaking.

TOEIC Speaking Sample Test

Here are some TOEIC speaking style tests that I’ve used in my own speaking exam preparation classes. You can use them in order to vị a pre & post evaluation of your students. They also lend themselves well khổng lồ teaching ESL online.

Here’s how you can use this sample TOEIC speaking test. Administer sample #1 to your students on the first day of your course. Then, complete the course và give a similar chạy thử (sample #2 for example) on the last day. Compare scores & hopefully your students will have improved!

They can also be used as very simple level tests for your speaking or conversation classes, if you’re required to vị them by your school. You can sometimes find them in popular ESL textbooks, but if you can’t, this is a nice alternative. If you want some help with evaluation, check out this ESL Speaking Rubric that I use in my own classes.

Or, if you’re a student, you may want to lớn use them to lớn prepare for your speaking exam. Better yet, bởi it with a friend or get a teacher to kiểm tra your answers for you.

Sample TOEIC Speaking demo #1:

Here’s the first TOEIC test sample to lớn try out:

Read the following out loud:

Are you a global company needing to khuyến mãi with many foreign currencies? do you find your bank’s exchange rates too low, & their service fees too high? Then take your business to lớn Rapid Exchange. We’ll satisfy all your foreign exchange requirements with our one-to-one service combined with our always available online web page that includes instant rate quotes. We even pick-up an deliver your checks & drafts. Give us a gọi today!

Describe the Following Picture:

Sample TOIEC Speaking Test

Answer the Following Questions:

How often bởi vì you watch Television?
What kinds of programs bởi you usually watch?
Describe your favorite television program?

Some people prefer to lớn take a job that does not pay well but does provide a lot of time off work. What is your opinion about taking a job with a low salary that has a lot of vacation? Give reasons for your opinion.


Sample TOEIC Speaking chạy thử #2

Here’s the second English speaking kiểm tra sample questions:

Read the following out loud:

If you’re shopping, sightseeing và running around every minute, your vacation can seem like hard work. To avoid vacation stress, come khổng lồ the xanh Valley Inn on beautiful Lake Mead. While staying at our inn, you’ll breathe clean country air as you view spectacular sights. With its spacious rooms, swimming pool and many outdoor activities, the inn is the perfect place for a vacation you won’t forget. The xanh Valley Inn prides itself on the personal attention it provides khổng lồ every guest. The xanh Valley motto has always been “A happy guest is our greatest treasure.

Describe the Following Picture:

Sample TOIEC Speaking test picture

Answer the Following Questions:

What is your favorite way lớn spend a vacation

What did you bởi vì on your last vacation?

When you go on vacation, who do you go with?

What vì chưng you think is a good way for a family khổng lồ spend a vacation? Why?

Some companies make donations lớn local charities and community groups. Other companies vì chưng not và leave it up to their staff to decide whether to lớn make personal donations. Should companies donate part of their profits to lớn charities? State your opinion và provide reasons for your view.

More TOEIC Speaking test Samples

Do you want to vì even more practice? Then you’ll want to check out the following online resources:


English Club

Exam English


Speaking chạy thử sample

TOEIC Speaking test Tips

If you want to improve your score on this English proficiency exam, here are some of the tips you’ll need to pay close attention to:

Speak as clearly as possible (loudly và clearly).There is no examiner. You’ll be using headphones và speaking into a microphone so get used to lớn speaking by yourself during practice sessions.There may be background noise from other test-takers in the room so practice in a room with the radio or TV on.Use specific words instead of vague ones lượt thích “good.”Vary your voice tone so that you don’t sound lượt thích a robot.Speak slowly but not too slowly. Aim for a nice average pace.

About Jackie

Jackie Bolen has been teaching English for more than 15 years khổng lồ students in South Korea and Canada. She"s taught all ages, levels và kinds of TEFL classes. She holds an MA degree, along with the Celta và Delta English teaching certifications.

Jackie is the author of more than 60 books for English teachers and English learners, including 101 ESL Activities for Teenagers và Adults và 1001 English Expressions và Phrases. She loves to tóm tắt her ESL games, activities, teaching tips, & more with other teachers throughout the world.

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